Chapter 6: BSV20-V1

1. Introduction:

The BSV20V1.tsx file contains a React component named BSV20v1. This component is designed to facilitate the inscription of BSV20 - V1 using the BSV20V1P2PKH class from the scrypt-ord library. Let's break down the key features of this component.

2. Component Breakdown:

The component is defined as a function that takes props as its parameter. It returns JSX, rendering the UI of the BSV20v1 component within a Material-UI Container.

State and Hooks The component uses React hooks to manage state variables. Notable ones include _mintTick, _isLoading, _result, _mintOrDeploy, and others. State is updated with functions like useState, and there are side effects using the useEffect hooks.

Minting and Deployment Logic The component handles both minting and deploying logic based on the value of _mintOrDeploy. It interacts with the BSV blockchain, retrieves information about ticks, and performs transactions such as minting and deploying.

User Interface The UI includes various Material-UI components like TextField, Button, and Typography. It allows users to input tick information, mint tokens, deploy tokens, and provides feedback on the results of these actions.

HTTP Requests The component uses Axios to make HTTP requests, such as fetching tick information from the BSV20 API and posting data to the Inscribe API.

Event Handlers Event handlers like mintTickOnChange, mintTickOnBlur, amountOnChange, mint, and others are defined to handle user interactions and trigger corresponding actions.

3. Inscribe:

  1. Use _ordiAddress to create a BSV20V1P2PKH instance.
  2. Call instance.connect() to connect a signer.
  3. Deploy a BSV20 ticker by calling instance.deployToken().
  4. Mint BSV20 tokens by calling number).

Put it to the test

  1. Call mint method of the instance to inscribe BSV-20 v1 tokens.

Complete code at Github